Overall arch from Sylvester to Nathan Pollard.

In 1850 the Pollards lived in Natchioches LA. That's in the north western part of the state, about 75 miles south east of Shreveport. The 1850 census report lists 5 people living in the house at the time with William Sylvester Pollard as the head of house. Frederick Hosea Pollard (my great great grandfather) was 2 years old at the time and had two older siblings. Sometime after the family migrated to Texas. I am not sure the exact date of their move (actually I have a good idea), but they show up on the 1860 census in Trinity County Texas.

Sylvester Pollard's land grant

Susanne Waller works at the Trinity County Museum and I emailed her about our family. She was kind enough to look through their archive and found the original land grant! It looks like Sylvester Pollard first recieved the land grant on November 3rd, 1855, so now we know the Pollards moved there around that time. It was for 160 arcers and its 7 miles from Sumpter (I suspected it would be close to sumpter). It runs along Piny Creek, which is a little north of Sumpter Texas. Susanne was also nice enough to show send me some old maps that list his property.

Clues about what brought the Pollard's north.

So, I have been frustrated the I cannot find any evidence about the Pollards from 1880 to 1905. The paper trail has just dried up, but I recently found three pieces of evidence that might help with a couple questions I have had. First, when did the Pollards go to Cooke county and why? As mentioned before, the Pollard’s show up in the 1910 Census in Cooke County, but that’s a 30-year gap from the 1880. I did find a death record for Rebecca Pollard in 1905, but that’s still a 25-year gap.

Lew Pollard

I found another Pollard contection to the Corpus Christi area. Sylvester Pollard had a brother named Louis Pollard that moved to Robstown sometime before 1920. I had his death certificate along with his census reports starting in 1920. I am not sure when he moved, or why, but I'll keep digging. He did own a farm when he passed away. I am still trying to figure out while Nathan and James Pollard moved to Corpus Christi, but maybe it could be because they have a family connect to the area. Lew would have been Hosea Pollard's Uncle.

Whats next.

Here is my first ever "blog" post. If you read through my articles you will see that there are still a few questions that are just burning inside me. The fact is I have barely touched the surface. I would still like to know Fredrick and Rebecca Pollard's final resting place. I have checked with the archivist in Cooke County and they don't have any record of their final resting places. I found a reference to Fredrick Pollard being buried in Hood cemetery, but that the headstone was gone. I have a problem with the source though.


The Pollards in Wichita Falls.

It’s funny how finding a piece of evidence can lead to more questions then answers. My discovery of Nathan Pollards obituary servers as a great example of that point. See I wanted to find out what Nathan Pollard was doing when he passed away and I thought that his obituary would say. Unfortunately it did not, but it did mention that he had moved to Corpus Christi from Wichita Falls in 1942 and I didn’t have any records of Nathan Pollard living in Wichita Falls.

Why did Nathan Pollard move to Altus Oklahoma.

Sometime before 1931 Nathan Pollard moved the whole family to Altus Oklahoma. I know it was before 1931 because in January 1931 he enrolled his kids in school at Altus Oklahoma. After moving to Altus Oklahoma his household also changed as serveral of his kids had gotten married and moved out. Then sometime in 1942 Nathan and Birdie Pollard moved to Wichita Falls. They brought with them all of his kids and their kids wives, living in a small house again? What caused such a dramatic change? While I can’t be sure, the 1940 census reports provide some clues.

The Pollard house in 1930.

Pollard House Today

I have located the house that Nathan Pollard lived in when they lived in Gainesville Texas and the house still stands. How I found the house is an interesting story itself. In the 1930 census report Nathan Pollard lists his address as 703 Eldridge Street, Gainesville, Texas. That’s the same address listed in the phone book at the time, the problem is that address today is just a vacant lot. Me and Janet went to look at it and even took some pictures.

History of Cooke County

Cooke County has an interesting history itself and I always wonder how much of its history the Pollards interacted with. Cooke County is in north central Texas on the Oklahoma border. It's about an hour from Plano Texas. Because of its location, Cooke County has always been a rugged area with an early history of Indian wars, vigilantism and outlaws.

Pollards in Cooke County

I am still not sure why the Pollards started moving to Cooke county. As mentioned in an earlier post, the part of Falls county the Pollards lived in had started to decline and that might be why they started looking to move. And I do know that Cooke county's economy was booming by the late 1880s, so that might be why they made the move. Now according to tax records I think Hosea Pollard still lived in Falls county until at least 1876 and the census report has him owning a farm in 1880.
