Where in Falls county was the Pollard Farm?

I think I found some evidence that might tell us around where in Falls county Hosea Pollard had his farm. Most of the time when Nathan Pollard listed his place of birth, he usually just listed Texas or Falls County Texas. That makes sense given his parents lived on a farm at the time. Then on Jack Pollards birth certificate I noticed it said Blue Ridge Falls County Texas. It turns out, Blue Ridge was a small town in eastern Falls county named after a series of low hills in the area.

Did Hosea Pollard Know One of the Deadlest Gunfighters in the Old West?

John Westly Harding remains one of the most most famous old west gunfighters. John Harding has been mostly known as a psycopath that seemed overly willing to draw his gun and shoot someone without remorse. Before he became a famous killer, he was a little boy from Trinity county Texas whose father worked as a methodist preacher in Sumpter. The Pollards moved to Trinity county a little before the Hardins and John Harding was only about five years younger than Hosea Pollard.

The Texas Pollard's Civil War Record

I don’t know how the Pollards felt about secession, but I do know that Pollards faught for both sides. Sylvester Pollard joined the Texas home guard (probably do to his age) and Frederick Hosea Pollard joined the confederacy. I know Hosea Pollard was a civil war veteran because he lists it in the 1910 census, but I don’t know anything else about his service. I don’t know when he joined or what unit he served in. When Texas secceded from the union Hosea Pollard was around 14 years old, and he was around 18 by the end.
