The Pollards in Wichita Falls.

It’s funny how finding a piece of evidence can lead to more questions then answers. My discovery of Nathan Pollards obituary servers as a great example of that point. See I wanted to find out what Nathan Pollard was doing when he passed away and I thought that his obituary would say. Unfortunately it did not, but it did mention that he had moved to Corpus Christi from Wichita Falls in 1942 and I didn’t have any records of Nathan Pollard living in Wichita Falls.

I thought there had to be a mistake, but I emailed the historical archives anyways and received an excellent response from someone named Bill Steward. The Pollards show up in the 1942 Wichita Falls City Directory living at 1005 5th street. The house is no longer standing as the whole neighborhood got converted into a parking lot. Living with Nathan and Birdie Pollard was Alfred and his wife Hazel, Alvin and his wife Wanda, Jack and my grandpa Lloyd Pollard. There was also someone named Mrs. Marie McDaniel living with them, but I have no idea who that what (another question). Alfred and Alvin worked as a mechanic at North Texas Furniture Company and Jack worked as a driver. Lloyd Pollard worked as a clerk at Safeway (possible his first job) which was located at 612 Indiana about a block north of the museum.

None of the Pollards were enrolled in school at the time and they moved to Corpus Christi later that year, although Jack Pollard stayed at the house listed. To make things even more complicated Nathan Pollard lived in Porterville CA when he registered for the draft in 1942, so its possible he only lived there for a few months.

I do want to take a minute to thank Bill Steward and let everyone know how much he helped me find another piece to the puzzle. Not every archivist has been as nice and Bill Steward, so its important to appreciate the good ones.