Pollards in Cooke County

I am still not sure why the Pollards started moving to Cooke county. As mentioned in an earlier post, the part of Falls county the Pollards lived in had started to decline and that might be why they started looking to move. And I do know that Cooke county's economy was booming by the late 1880s, so that might be why they made the move. Now according to tax records I think Hosea Pollard still lived in Falls county until at least 1876 and the census report has him owning a farm in 1880. He also got married in Robinson, which is pretty close to Falls county, so it seems safe to say he lived in Falls county starting in 1871 until sometime after 1880. There is a problem though, according to ancestry.com he had a child in Cooke County in 1873, 1875, and 1876. We know in 1880 he shows back up in Falls County and he has a son Nathan. Then in 1883 he has another daughter in Cooke County. 

It is very possible (maybe likely) that Ancestry is wrong and all the kids where born in Falls County. I'm hoping to make a trip to the archives there and see if I can find some birth certificates (I'll keep you posted). In the meantime, what about when they moved to Cooke county?

To be Continued…