Background/goals of the site

Hi, welcome to our story. A little background about the site: About two years ago my grandmother passed away and my dad found a box of letters my grandpa had written her before they got married. Those letters were a wonderful window into past and taught us so much about their relationship. Yet, they also exposed just how little we knew about our own family roots. See my grandfather died when my dad was very young and my grandma got remarried my papa. Grandma never really talked about the Pollard's, so most of us really didn't know much about our history. As far as I knew they came from Oklahoma to California at some time and that’s about all I knew. Image my supprise when I found how we had such deep Texas Roots. I found out the Pollard's moved to Texas in the 1850's, my great grandfather was born only about an hour and a half from me and my grandfather lived only about an hour from me (I live in Fort Worth) through a large part of his childhood? My great great grandfather is buried about an hour from me and I even have relatives buried here in Fort Worth! After learning about my roots here in Texas I decided to do some research. I created this website to track what I information I have found as well as create an open forum for all of my relatives to share information. Right now I plan to include a timeline, a document dump, and regularly write articles based on my research. Its important for me to not only find names and dates, but I want to put their lives in context to the world they live in. I am hoping we can really get a good and personal understanding of their lives. Finally, as you can probably tell from the first paragraph, I don’t have any oral histories of my family, so I am going to really have to dig to answer questions about their lives. I hope you enjoy the site and please provide me any feedback you can. The comments section will be opened, but I will me monitoring them and reserve the right to remove any comments I feel are inappropriate. In addition, I might require a log on to see the document pages (I haven’t decided yet).